6 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint While Traveling


If travel is in your heart, but you worry about the carbon footprint left by the travel industry (which is admittedly, a rather large one) then I have a few suggestions for you and how you can reduce your environmental impact and make responsible travel choices while abroad. Although some of these suggestions are with travel in mind, a lot of them can be implemented into your daily life so you can become a more environmentally conscious person. 

Below are 6 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint While Travelling.


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1. Conserve Energy & Water in Accommodations

Turn off lights, air conditioning, and other electrical devices when not in use or when you leave. Utilize natural lighting and ventilation whenever possible. Take shorter showers and reuse towels provided in your room. Lastly, alert staff if you see any water leaks in your room.

Many hotels prioritize sustainable tourism strategies and now provide the option to select how often things like towels and bedding are washed in an effort to conserve water on the property and within their community which is an excellent way to control the usage of these valuable resources within your environment.

2. Support Local and Sustainable Food Options

Choose restaurants and cafes that offer locally sourced and organic food. Avoid excessive meat consumption, as meat production has a significant carbon footprint. In addition, prioritizing the importance of where your food comes from benefits the communities, economy, and people of the places you visit.


3. Utilize Eco-Conscious Transport Options (Public Transit)

if you’re exploring a city, taking public transportation such as the underground or the bus is a lot cheaper and more environmentally conscious than renting a car. Plus, you’ll get a chance to see the day-to-day life of the place you are visiting which is a bonus. If flying is necessary, consider purchasing carbon offsets to mitigate the emissions.


4. Opt for Environmentally Neutral Accommodation Options

When choosing your accommodations – whether Airbnb, Guesthouse, or Hotel – check to see if there are any environmentally neutral or environmentally friendly options that prioritize sustainability. This could look like water conservation efforts, renewable energy, and supporting the local community. Although this may mean a bit more money up-front, the ability to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling is worth it. 

5. Stay for Longer

This option may not be accessible to everyone, but if you are able, doing a long-stay travel option is beneficial not only for yourself but for the environment. Long-stay travel is when you stay in a place for a month or more rather than hop from place to place. This is better for the environment (fewer transportation fumes etc.) and also allows you to become better acquainted with the place and culture you are in that couldn’t be done in a week. 


6. Buy Local

Perhaps one of the best ways to combat the environmental impact of traveling is to shop local while you’re visiting. This not only boosts the economy in the area, as well as supports the locals who may rely on tourist income, but it also means that mass-produced, cheap items aren’t bought and money is taken away from the community you are visiting.


What else would you add to this list to be eco-conscious during your travels?


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